— Drama —



Michael H. Blunt

  • Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel Mockup book

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      I wanted to save you in 2020, but you didn't believe me. The reason. I found it 42 years later. This final realization has now plunged me into an even more terrifying nightmare, from which there is no turning back. Luckily, from now on, nothing can go wrong; everything—our entire reality—has already fallen apart. Are you still alive?

      I was able to step out of Plato's cave, but I still have to get used to my freedom. The only thing I can offer you now is to listen to me this time and to understand my story—a story about real love. You will have to let go of everything you ever thought about your life. It's an experiment and some kind of test. How it turns out is entirely up to you.Do you want to be free?

    • » A terrorist attack on mankind that made the events of 2001 and the 'virus crisis' look like a honeymoon trip. «

    • Info

      • 332 Pages (Soft-/Hardcover)
      • Genre: Drama, Socialcritic, Futuristic novel, Paranormal
      • Formats: Kindle eBook, Soft-/Hardcover
      • First Release: 4. July 2024


      English EDITION based on the German original novel “FINIS TEMPORIS I — Synchronicity”.

      *This version contains four brand-new short stories, a more natural and faster narrative style, and an extended epilogue with all the main characters involved.

— Drama —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

  • Readers' opinions

    Reviews of the main characters who experienced the book.

    • »A well-intentioned invitation for book burning?«

      My conclusion: Crazy ramblings from a good-for-nothing and megalomaniac. – PReacher69

      Star award

    • »A nuclear bomb disguised as a novel that pulverized all my conspiracy theories.«

      After this trip, even the thickest tinfoil hat will melt. A totally unfair book! – LUmEn23

      Star awardStar award

    • »A botched copy of the 'Spekulatius' book series and 'By Taxi through the Milky Way'. The only innovative thing about it is that there are finally no dolphins.«

      Uncreative and totally illogical thought through. – LUcy

      Star award

    • »A literary journey around the world into a kind of primeval time, populated by vicious monsters; The dinosaurs living there are played by humans, whose demise the author is feverishly trying to predict.«

      I give two stars for this a**hole's wasted labor of love. – MI999or

      Star awardStar award

    • »A love story during the apocalypse, in a coaching book, in a science fiction story that uses an A.I. thought up.«

      Infinitely confusing, but also written in a very sweet and humorous way. – JOi

      Star awardStar awardStar award

    • »The first book that denies its own existence and yet exists.«

      Absolute world premiere; This has probably never happened before?! – ANalyst

      Star awardStar awardStar awardStar award

— Drama —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

  • Reading Sample

    Prolog: „Phantom Pain“ (8 Pages).

Reading Sample A Great Disappointment Synchronicity 1 Michael H. Blunt


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— Drama —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

Header Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel

    • Backstory

      What led to this frightening novel?
      That’s an easy question. I wanted to find an explanation for the events of 2020 and 2001 to cure my insomnia. Unfortunately, it didn't work out so well and lead to the opposite.

      Who is this novel aimed at, and how would you describe the story?
      I initially wrote it down for myself. So that I didn't have to keep reminding me of what I had found out. A kind of diary emerged, a form of file that hinted at a major felony and a gigantic crime scene. After the case was solved, much more was added.
      Strictly speaking, the novel contains the entire history of the world and humanity. The novel's conspiracy narrative, even if it seems absolutely megalomaniacal, makes every history book, with the exception of the Bible, superfluous.It is also a kind of spiritual book. But completely different. I would say it is aimed at people who don't really fit into this world: Misfits, black sheep, and loners. But basically, anyone can find themselves in the novel. My characters take on this role.

      How were you able to cope with it all? This final realization that you reflect on in your novel?
      I don't know. The only explanation left is that I can no longer be a human being. But I’m okay with it and still feel very 'alive‘. How I deal with this trauma? Humor and the certainty that everything will be okay in the end.

      Are the personal stories—these synchronicities—made up of what your main character has experienced?
      I can tell you the truth. They are not made up. They just happened.

      Will the story be continued? Are there any ideas? Surely, it can't end like this?
      An extended version will be published—you hold it already in your hands—which will tell the story a little further and perhaps lead to a final fork in the road. What happens after is written in the stars. Maybe the sequel will be some kind of 'real' love story with a lot less drama. I'll do my best.

Header Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel

— Drama —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

    • Michael H. Blunt Amazon Autor Synchronicity Finis Temporis 1


      Michael H. Blunt was born in Himmelsthür, Germany, on Christmas Eve 1977. He worked as a web and 3D designer until the end of 2024. In 2020, thank God, he was irretrievably replaced by an A.I. Due to a lack of other alternatives, he decided to continue working as a science fiction author in mid-2023. He adores cats, fine food and extraordinary movies. He just wants a more peaceful world. He has been working on it for 46 years and believes that it will happen one day.

      at Goodreads

      Booksite and Reviews



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