— Drama —



Michael H. Blunt

  • Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel Mockup book

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    * Rating on AMAZON.

    • THE FINAL JOURNEY — Love, the great illusion and the awakening of a new reality.

      In a world that is now only a projection of itself, reality mixes with fiction. An AI has plunged humanity into a gigantic illusion, but there is a deeper meaning behind the dream images. An alien being from the future leads seven souls on a journey through passion, self-discovery and knowledge. What if everything that happened was just a hint of a final awakening?

      The world is history — but what else can we learn from it?

    • » A complex philosophical thought experiment in the wake of AI and transhumanism. «

    • Info

      English EDITION based on the German original novel “FINIS TEMPORIS I — Synchronicity”.

      • 332 Pages (Soft-/Hardcover)
      • Topics: drama, social criticism, futurism, transhumanism, paranormal, clairvoyance, Bible, end times, AI, alternate history
      • Formats: Kindle eBook, Soft-/Hardcover
      • First Release: 4. July 2024

      *This version contains four brand-new short stories, a more natural and faster narrative style, and an extended epilogue with all main characters involved.

— Michael H. Blunt —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

  • Deep-Dive-Podcast Thumb A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

  • 'Deep-Dive' Book review

    This fictional podcast was freely interpreted by an AI* and fed with the novel script. Enjoy! More podcast episodes available on Youtube.

    *generated by NotebookLM

  • Not entirely serious reader comments

    Reviews of the main characters who experienced the book.

    • »A well-intentioned invitation for book burning?«

      My conclusion: Crazy ramblings from a good-for-nothing and megalomaniac. – PReacher69

      Star award

    • »A nuclear bomb disguised as a novel that pulverized all my conspiracy theories.«

      After this trip, even the thickest tinfoil hat will melt. – LUmEn23

      Star awardStar award

    • »A botched copy of the 'Speculatius' book series and 'By Taxi through the Milky Way'. The only innovative thing about it is that there are finally no dolphins.«

      Uncreative and totally illogical thought through. – LUcy

      Star award

    • »A literary journey around the world into a kind of primeval time, populated by vicious monsters; but the dinosaurs living there are played by humans, whose demise the author is feverishly trying to predict.«

      I give two stars for this motherf*cker's wasted labor of love. – MI999or

      Star awardStar award

    • »A love story during the apocalypse, in a coaching book, inside a science fiction story that uses an A.I. thought up.«

      Infinitely confusing, but also written in a very smart and humorous way. – JOi

      Star awardStar awardStar award

    • »The first book that denies its own existence and yet exists.«

      Absolute world premiere; This has probably never happened before?! – ANalyst

      Star awardStar awardStar awardStar award

— Michael H. Blunt —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

  • Reading Sample

    Prolog: „Phantom Pain“ (8 Pages).

Reading Sample A Great Disappointment Synchronicity 1 Michael H. Blunt


PDF epub

— Michael H. Blunt —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

Header Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel

    • Backstory

      What inspired you to write this novel?
      It was an attempt to find a plausible explanation for the world-shattering events of 2001 and 2020. I realized that the official narratives didn’t really answer my questions. So, I delved deeper into the subject—partly to be able to sleep better at night. The old narratives no longer work, and instead of gaining new clarity, I ended up with even more questions.

      How would you briefly summarize the content of your book, and who is it aimed at?
      Originally, I wrote it for myself, to organize my thoughts. It began as a kind of personal journal that then evolved into a broader narrative. At its core, it questions what’s wrong with the world—with people—and why it often seems that far more complex and supernatural processes are at work beneath the surface. It’s a profound book for people who also feel that reality, as it is presented to us, somehow doesn’t add up anymore. But other readers might also find many aspects that make them think.

      The theories and hypotheses in your book are partly provocative and disturbing. How do you deal with this yourself without losing courage?
      That’s a fair question. Sometimes it’s truly challenging, especially when you’re deeply engaged with topics that contradict mainstream narratives. What’s helped me is the perspective that life is a larger process, and we don’t have to have all the answers immediately. And in the end, I have humor to fall back on—even if the situation is serious.

      The personal stories and synchronicities in the book—are they real or literary fiction?
      The stories are real. There are no invented episodes that aren’t based on actual events. Of course, some things are emphasized, and names and real references were slightly changed, but the core elements happened exactly as described.

      Do you plan to continue the story?
      I’m already working on a continuation that will address new aspects, including interpersonal relationships that might have been a bit neglected in the first story. And there are countless unanswered questions that I want to get to the bottom of.

Header Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel

— Michael H. Blunt —

A Great Disappointment Synchronicity I Futuristic Novel

    • Michael H. Blunt Amazon Autor Synchronicity Finis Temporis 1


      Michael H. Blunt was born in Himmelsthür, Germany, on Christmas Eve 1977. He worked as a web and 3D designer until the end of 2024. In 2020, thank God, he was irretrievably replaced by an A.I. Due to a lack of other alternatives, he decided to continue working as a science fiction author in mid-2023. He adores cats, fine food and extraordinary movies. He just wants a more peaceful world. He has been working on it for 46 years and believes that it will happen one day.

Synchronicity 1 Futuristic Novel Mockup book

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